New here, looking for my home on the fediverse. Interests include traditional musics from around the world, opera, Asian drama series and growing my own veg.
Decades of life with chronic illness. Brain often malfunctions. Whatever words I’ve gotten out have likely been a struggle. Please be kind.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I don’t come anywhere near close to meeting the requirements for intentional communities. Chronic illness is a real bastard. I don’t need much and the quality of my life could so easily be improved by just a little help from others, but everyone - even intentional communities - is caught up in focusing on how much others can help them. What I can give is less tangible, and therefore dismissed.

    I don’t want to abandon society but I do recognise we’d all be far better off if we lived in ways which were less isolating. Every person/family for themselves harms us all.

  • Erm, well, yes. That should happen too. Tends to in a good community with a range of views.

    I asked a single question on a single facet of the current internet. For my own information, because I’ve found reading a range of articles about Chat GPT useful for understanding and beginning to form my own opinion on them. And rather than add any helpful information, you’ve gone down this tangent? 🤷‍♂️

    Your “In fact” rebuttal, not needed btw, is technically true. I’m more interested in the current actual state of things with a particular bot, not a hypothetical.

    Human-written posts differ in tone from the summary-bot. The bot “writes” more in the tone of an article, which tends to mean a tone of authority. That affects how the “facts” resurface in my memory. Maybe it works differently for the bright young things who’ve grown up with the internet. IDK 🤷‍♂️

    Of course reading the articles is important. I don’t have the spoons to read every article I come across though. I know I don’t have much of a life, but still 😂 Scanning comments is a bit more like human interaction and I find that helpful in deciding whether or not to click through to the article.

    And before anyone jumps in with “Then the summary bot will be really helpful to you”, please note that my question was about the accuracy of the bot and if anyone was gathering information. I will make my own observations over time but would also like to learn from others’.