Oh, look how smart you are, you figured out the REAL issue! Conveniently, it had nothing to do with people like you doing everything possible to spread voter apathy, what a coinky-dink!
Look how smart you are, you didn’t vote for the “PrO-gEnoCiDe candidate”, and now we have the actual Pro-Genocide PARTY in charge of the Presidency, Congress and the Supreme Court.
What’s first on your agenda? Email Trump, ask him to stop the genocide, LOL?? Oh hey, maybe the Trump administration will allow Palestinians to seek asylum here in the US right?!?! We all know how friendly they are to immigrants!
You’re so effin’ smart, man! We are all in awe of your genius political acumen.
No, I think you are right!! People are so so SO stupid nowadays, the Israeli flag wasn’t enough of a clue! What could it mean?! So all the stupid people needed to see that racist caricature of the hook nose going halfway down his face. Good call!