Disabled artist, passionate human, and hopefully a better man than the day before.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 6th, 2023


  • I tried them a few years ago before I knew more about things like this, their CEO, etc. I had a problem with them continuously taking over my home page on desktop with their own homepage (much the way Firefox on android does now) after every update. I contacted them on social media where they went on a two day stent of making fun of me for having a problem and gaslighting me that there was a problem because zero other people had ever complained. Super professional there.

  • Nothing based on Chrome is an option because Google is evil and thinks it can control my computer, Brave customer service literally made fun of me for not liking the way they took over my homepage regularly years ago, Opera is just adware, and Firefox is about all that’s left. Even though it’s losing more options every update and on mobile it’s complete garbage now with everything centered around their homepage so they can try to serve me ads that I can luckily turn off for now.

  • I don’t understand why people find DuckDuckGo a good alternative. It’s better for privacy yes, but the search results are just as useless and unrelated because they’re based on Google which is just a big ad server now. Every result is find 10 “XYZ’s” on Amazon or Walmart, or the other results for different companies.