luciole (he/him)

Doesn’t know the lyrics. Just goes meow meow meow.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023

  • All my favorite cookware are fucking heavy, so on that front I don’t have much advice. One thing I can say though is to experiment with lowering your cooking temperature. I know sometimes we can be in a hurry and we crank it up, but often we could have gotten the same result with a lower setting and a tiny bit more patience. This can make a huge difference with how hard the residue gets stuck. Finally, the nonstick film unfortunately gets worn out after a while and at that point everything will stick non stop. At that point there’s not much to be done but replacing the pan sadly.

  • Whether it is being offered to the end users as free (as in freedom) software or as paid closed source has the usual implications. Ease of use, accessibility measures and support impacts inclusivity. Supported languages (natural and programming) will influence further who uses them or not. What constitutes the user base will determine what’s it’s used for and in turn will apply pressure to the editor to take a certain direction.

    Political impact is not always obvious and not every single grain of software will be infused with a powerful one. The point is that our choice is either to ignore it or to acknowledge it. We can’t opt out of the world; blind neutrality is as political as any other position.

  • My significant other for the last decades struggles with various mental disorders. What you describe reminds me of us. She never really managed to get proper therapy so far as well. We’ve learned some things the hard way, but we’re happy and solid now.

    For me at least what hit the hardest was not being trusted or being repeatedly accused of betrayal. This stuff seeps into my slightest cracks and blows up my own insecurities about inadequacy. It’s a good thing you recognize these episodes. Could you just pull out of the situation when you feel one coming, request alone time? Defuse it, then come back to your loved one. That’s what she does. I know to respect the alone time, no matter when it is needed. It’s important for your partner to be aware of your struggles, but expecting them to accurately dismiss what you express on account of issues is not sustainable long term in my opinion. It’s too hard to apply and too likely to backfire.

    You’re popular, amazing people have already crossed your path, there’s no reason for it not to happen again. So prepare for making the next one the best one.

  • Not gonna lie, I’m excited to see it as a way of defending ecosystems but from a conceptual perspective it feels… strange to me. Maybe because I struggle with the idyllic idea of ecosystems as inherently harmonious and kind. Or the awkwardness of thinking about the “legal responsibility” of other invasive species. Mostly I feel stuff moving inside my mind to make space for this idea. Very thought provoking and a useful device to restrain ourselves as a species, which may be necessary for our survival.

    Also somehow I think my cat is already well informed about his rights.

  • Congrats! I’m pretty socially anxious but for some reason I’m kind of fine at work. Talking in a straightforward way about work stuff I know well gives me heaps of confidence. It just feels good being the one that knows the details and getting that spark of understanding lit around me. Maybe it’s the same for you :)

    My colleagues are still surprised I just crumble and disappear at parties though I think.

  • This is an advertisement for a commercial editor. The blog author is the CEO of said product.

    If you want your writing to still be readable on a computer from the 2060s or 2160s, it’s important that your notes can be read on a computer from the 1960s.

    Was that blog post stored on punched cards just in case? I’m nowhere near pretentious enough to waste effort on making whatever I’m doing readable in a century, whatever method that may be. Nobody knows what computing will look like in one hundred years. Trying to solve problems that don’t have any guarantee of ever existing is bad practice.

    Today, we are creating innumerable digital artifacts, but most of these artifacts are out of our control. They are stored on servers, in databases, gated behind an internet connection, and login to a cloud service.

    Personal devices die at least as fast as the servers making up the cloud. Someone’s iPhone is not a place to store stuff for posterity.

    These days I write using [yaddi-yadda] It’s the plain text files I create that are designed to last.

    Plain text might be great for a writing app, but it’s not doing anything for video, graphics or audio.

    Author should take their own cue and stick to chiselled stone tablet given the obvious importance of their work for the future of humanity.

  • JavaScript was created by Brendan Eich for the Netscape Browser. The job said to embed Java in the browser, but Eich was a Lisp guy and wished he could actually embed Scheme instead. Scheme is about as far as Java as one can get in terms of paradigm. Eich must have been stubborn because the result was JavaScript which is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike Java. Lulled by the seemingly familiar syntax, decades of coders have been baffled by the wild prototype-based object paradigm and the functional style hiding underneath.

    JavaScript being somewhat like Java was an arbitrary constraint that was pushed by marketing and that was very partially honoured during implementation. The kinship between the two languages is slim at best. When explaining tech issues to the layperson, it’s important not to sweat the details and get to the point. Here the point is: JavaScript and Java are like car and carpet.

    Also, chill. You have a lot to learn. We all do. Stop saying your colleagues look like idiots.

  • A creator’s worldview influences me a whole lot on whether I’ll use their stuff or not. I don’t think we can afford the luxury of supporting jerks anymore. There’s just too much shit going on. Consuming is voting. That’s the rational part. The affective part is that when I learn that the creator’s a jerk, I just don’t feel like engaging with their stuff anymore. It’s basically a turn off for me.

    The kagi controversy is unfortunate. I’ve been considering biting the bullet, but there’s no way I’m paying for a search engine I don’t feel good about. Also I very naively didn’t realize until now kagi was just aggregating Google, Yandex or whatever, stripping the advertisement rot and applying some extra magic. Won’t they get the rug pulled right from under them the second they reach any sort of relevance?

  • I understand your sentiment, threads on generative AI get me all worked up as well. I couldn’t resist jumping into the fray and I did have the distinct impression that most users supporting OpenAI’s stance were originating from other Lemmy instances and that many Beehaw based users were against it. My humble opinion is that this specific thread is more representative of the Fediverse’s vibe than of Beehaw’s.

    I very much doubt you’ll get snark for your comment. That’s just not what Beehaw stands for. If you decide to hang in there some more, I suggest you pay attention to the commenters’ Lemmy instance. Beehaw embodies the hope for a caring web community, but the rest of the Fediverse doesn’t necessarily share the same ideals.

  • About to be on vacations for the holidays. The season’s been hitting me hard and I (should) welcome a good two weeks of slouching about in unproductive bliss. On the other hand I’ve had so many bad Christmas that anxiety levels are mounting for no good reason. I’ve cut off a lot of unpleasant things from the holidays in the last years but I’m still coping with the aftermath.

    Also I’m slowly coming to terms with the fact that I don’t know how to rest anymore. So I’ll do my best to keep positive and do nice things even though I’m a little apprehensive. There are some bits of my mind I could do without, ugh.

  • That’s terrible. Wishing you the best of luck to find a fulfilling job.

    (For those curious like me) ブラック企業

    A black company (ブラック企業, burakku kigyō), also referred to in English as a black corporation or black business, is a Japanese term for an exploitative, sweatshop-type employment system.

    While the term “sweatshop” is associated with manufacturing, and the garment trade in particular, in Japan black companies are not necessarily associated with the clothing industry, but more often with office work.

    While specifics may vary from workplace to workplace and company to company, a typical practice at a black company is to hire a large number of young employees and then force them to work large amounts of overtime without overtime pay. Conditions are poor, and workers are subjected to verbal abuse and “power harassment” (bullying) by their superiors.[1] In order to make the employees stay, superiors of black companies would often threaten young employees with disrepute if they chose to quit.