Gentoo OpenRC gang rise up!
Gentoo OpenRC gang rise up!
They will most likely continue, why stop there?
I used to, 15 years ago.
Good times.
Help - provide food, housing, education. Stop dehumanizing people. Help them build a peaceful future. Everyone will benefit from that.
But that would require actual good will.
Criminals like Edward Snowden I guess
It almost never works like that.
People who don’t understand computers will work against it in almost every case.
But why?
I just can’t grasp why such elementary things need to be so fancied up.
It’s not like we don’t have databases and use them for relevant data. But this isn’t it.
And databases with hundreds of milions of rows are faster than journalctl (in my experience on the same hardware).
But if journalctl is slow, piping is not helping.
We have only one week of very sparse logs in it, yet it takes several seconds… greping tens of gigabytes of logs can be sometimes faster. That is insane.
There is nothing scientific about systemd
What “scares” me the most is the journal… for some reason it takes too long to get specific unit logs, and should anything break down in it, there is no way for me to fix it. Like logging has been solved forever, and I prefer specific unit logs to the abomination of journalctl.
But like unit files are everywhere, and systemctl at its core is a nice cmd utility.
I will take OpenRC to my grave
Not being able to do some things is the biggest blocker.
Sideloading for instance. Photos disappearing inside the Photos app and not being in files is also weird. It just felt like I was a moron who couldn’t handle my own files.
I dunno, I had iPhone in my hand for app development, and I wanted to shoot it out of the cannon into the sun.
You have to understand the thinking process behind the UI, and it’s not ‘intuitive’ to everyone.
And I just couldn’t use it, it drove me crazy.
It’s not a take, that was their actual reasoning behind it. Gabe knew Microsoft well, as a former employee.
I feel like people missed the sarcasm a bit here