• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023

  • Better than last time I commented on this thread! My gastritis has taken a turn for the better which has had a huge positive effect on my mood. I got some extra hours in work too, after working part time for ages due to being sick. I’m hoping to pick up some private students for online lessons after the summer to earn some more money so I can move out of my house which has been the plan since 2020 but it’s been delayed at every turn 😭 2025 is going to be my year… Possibly

  • The Blindboy Podcast brought up this problem (adult children living with their parents because of the housing crisis) on one of his recent podcasts, but he framed it from the point of view of the adult children. I’m interested to hear what kind of struggles you face on the opposite side, apart from what you’ve just mentioned here. How did you picture your life when you got to this stage and how has that changed?

  • Not exactly as a customer, but trying to access welfare when I was off work long term sick was a fucking nightmare. I don’t mind filling in forms but dealing with the people in that government department was the most demoralising experience of my life. I cried on the phone once because of how rude one of the agents was to me. They’re being rude and unhelpful to people who are sick and out of work. What a way to kick the most vulnerable people in society when they’re down.

    I finally got what I was owed and I’ve delayed filing a complaint about them because I just never wanted to deal with them again but it’s about time I bring out my inner Karen because they’re probably still traumatising people that need financial help.

  • So weird that you mention the iron deficiency because a friend of mine literally just suggested that too. I follow a mostly plant based diet and I’m low on iron to begin with. Not only that but being sober means I don’t get as many meaty takeaways as hungover treats, I wonder if that has affected my nutrition. Will put myself on some iron tablets and report back!

  • I don’t mind cleaning that much but the laundry really gets my goat because I can’t just DO it. You get me?

    Like, the dishes for example. I do those, or I put them in a dishwasher where they’re cleaned and dried and it’s just one thing.

    With the laundry I have to separate everything so I can’t even wash stuff all at the same time. Then it takes two hours for the washing machine to be done and then they’re wet. And if I leave them too long in the washing machine they get that mouldy damp smell so I have to wash again. And then there’s the drying. Hanging up socks should be illegal, it takes so long and for what?? One wear and then they’re back in the laundry basket? Kill me.

    Oh now your stuff is dry? Now you have to take it to a secret third place (your wardrobe). It takes so much time and energy to get the washing and drying done that the last part often doesn’t get done.

    And. It. Never. Ends.

    Someone PLEASE invent a wardrobe that does mini loads of laundry and also hangs your clothes to dry but also that doesn’t make your home mouldy.

    Or even just. A smaller washing machine that operates with a crank and only takes a few turns to wash your clothes so that I don’t have to leave it for two hours in a washing machine and forget about it.

    I don’t think I’m being articulate at all here but whatever. Laundry needs to get its shit together. We live in the future and it still SUCKS.

  • Thanks for your detailed answer, I really liked it. Apologies if this question was offensive to you, I had this discussion recently and it made me think a lot about how much time I spend using my literacy skills vs getting around. Then it got me thinking about how accessible lots of buildings where I live are. A friend of mine had a family member come to visit in a wheelchair recently and pointed out that lots of places that tourists usually visit are exempt from accessibility requirements because they’re situated in older buildings. One of my biggest shames in one of my previous jobs was being told I had to turn down a group of students coming to take a course in the school I was working in because we couldn’t accommodate one of their classmates in a wheelchair. Like, my gut tells me that’s straight up illegal 🫤 but maybe where I live it’s not. I left that job not long after so I don’t know if there were any repercussions.

    There’s a big push to revitalise the city I live in at the moment regarding opening up public spaces and making them more attractive to citizens and this is something that I haven’t seen discussed openly in relation to that yet so I will keep an eye out for it!

  • You’re right I’m all vaxxed up! It’s a real head scratcher. I don’t have any physical symptoms other than being tired and having a sore head but the mental symptoms are awful! And of course having no physical symptoms (no cold symptoms) makes me feel like I’m faking it ughhh.

    I’m a huge believer of listening to my body when it’s in distress so I’m HOPING all this couch time will speed up my recovery.

    Make some posts in your favorite communities here. We need the content

    Aye aye captain 🫡