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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • Fun Little Story.

    I’m not big on the whole internet thing so I didn’t know about the whole Ivermectin thing until way later.

    Around the time that craze was really I was hospitalized for what turned out to be a tropical parasite (strongyloides) which the only place I had gone was deep in the mountains in a cold region so it was a big shocker when the test came back.

    They told me I needed Ivermectin and they were just waiting for approval, all the while I’m almost certain I’m dying, agonizing pain, at this point I was throwing up blood.

    After a while of “waiting for approval” I couldn’t take it anymore, like 2 weeks had passed and all they were doing was pumping me with morphine, which as a recovering addict I loved in the worst way. So I left the hospital I was at and went to another one. Went into the ER and told them the whole shibang, tropical parasite, I was told I need Ivermectin etc. And the second hospital basically told me to fuck off.

    Out of frustration I gave up, I called the first hospital and asked if they got approval and they said they were still waiting and would call me back.

    So I went home and basically waited to die, taking basically any opiod I could get my hands on. My neighbor who got me some stuff hung out with me one night and I told her the story, later on she brought me more stuff only this time she had ‘something else’ for me. I didn’t question it, just popped it back, never thought about it again until recently.

    I still don’t know what it was but I ended up recovering, the pills were harder to kick but I did it.

    I don’t know why the first hospital was so hesitant to give me the medication, if they didn’t have it or were worried about how it would look prescribing it. But fuck that place.

    I do wonder if they’re still in there and I’ll just drop dead one day but I’m off medicade now so doctor visits are out of the question.

  • I got my first dishwasher a few years ago and decided to go sort of all in and get a solid mid range one instead of the cheapest option because I was so excited to not have to do dishes.

    The fucking touch buttons are the worst fucking god damn bullshit pieces of shit I’ve ever experienced. From the jump even when they worked ‘properly’ it just felt weird, but a couple years later and half the time the touch doesn’t register. Sometimes there’s the slightest but of crud or water on there and the thing goes crazy and becomes super sensitive all of a sudden, usually I spend 5 minutes loading the dish washer and 10 minutes trying to get it to register which button I pushed.

    I want real physical buttons.

    Also while I’m on the topic I was highly disappointed to learn that you still have to wash food and stuf off of dishes before you put them in. I don’t know why I thought I could throw a plate with crusted lsagana on it the dishwasher but I did. I thought all dishwashers had some sort of garbage disposal thing built into it. They do not.

  • I got a job that doubled my income and gave me the free time to do things like start a garden, learn macrame and spend a lot more uninterrupted time with my family. It was really life changing.

    If I could undo this year I might though. I had 5 family members die including my grandma who raised me, my wife and I had a devastating miscarriage, my causing got hit by a car and may not be able to walk, I was diagnosed with a heart condition and put on lifelong medication and still might need open heart surgery, my deadbeat dad got out of jail and has been harrasing my mom and sister, and the icing on the cake, last week our best cat died.