Just some IT guy

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Well in that context yeah the only reason to get upset about this is if you have a problem with the mechanic itself, otherwise they should and would have started protesting a while ago.

    As for your question: Yes absolutely. Such is the consequence of freedom of speech: people will have opinions you dislike. This isn’t some serious irl matter, it’s about features in a video game so let them have whatever they want. In fact forcing inclusivity might be the least inclusive thing one can do. Sure voice your dislike if you see a group playing a game you don’t like. That is your right. But it is also their right to play that game (and voice their dislike at your voiced dislike).

  • Well the contents of this particular change aside I could see someone upset over the principle of it. I’m not familiar with old-school runescape but if the salespitch really was “no changes unless the community approves them in a poll” then this marks a breach of “contract” (I doubt them only ever adding stuff after polls was ever contractually agreed on) on the developers part. Now that door is open so what else are they going to change without a poll? Is this going to be a one off or will this now become a regular occurence where the developers go over the communities wishes?

    So, again, the politics of this particular change aside I can absolutely see why a player would be upset by this change, it’s not the change itself that is worrying but rather what that means for the future, if players were sold the idea of control this change robbed them of that control they were sold. But again I have no clue about old-school runescape so I don’t know if the community just took the status-quo as granted and never had any promises made to them that only polled changesmwould happen.

  • Not on the phone but I had to threaten the Bitdefender E-Mail rep with a lawsuit in order to get my money back.

    A few months into my 2 year subscription I changed my e-mail associated with my Bitdefender account. Thereafter all mail I got from them went to that new email, as it should. A short while after that I switched over to Linux and my “need” for an AntiVirus evaporated entirely between Linux’ workflow not really requiring one anyway and me learning how little AntiVirus Software offers over the default Windows Defender. Queue forward to the end of that 2 year subscription (whose auto-renewal I had disabled before leaving Windows exactly to prevent what happened anyway but alas I have no proof of that anymore) I notice a really weird charge while reviewing my credit card statement. A charge that by all accounts should not have been there and one I was not made aware of beforehand. Guess what, those fucks sent only the mail about the upcoming renewal to the old email account which I had no reason whatsoever to suspect would still receive mail from them. Curiously the mail about them cancelling the renewed charge after I went off on them was sent to the new email again…

    Initially the customer service said “oh well can’t do anything here’s a 50€ discount” until I lost my cool and threatened to sue them for theft because by all reasonable standards I could not have expected them to inform me on my old email about this upcoming charge.

    On that note my stance was reaffirmed: Between and AntiVirus and an actual Virus I’d pick the latter, at least those are upfront about their motives and intentions instead of pretending to provide you with a service.

  • The worst part really is just getting off the damn spam lists. There is almost no documentation anywhere for do’s and dont’s. I ultimately had to setup a sending relay for the mail on my status monitoring VPS because my residential IP triggered most spam filters, but I only found out that that was the problem from forum posts investigating the same problem. I check with stuff like mail-tester, get back perfect scores and yet most of my outgoing emails have a good chance to land in the spam folder anyway (but at least they get delivered so that’s a plus I guess)

    As others in other threads have said: Google and Microsoft have killed the ability to self-host email simply by black-boxing their spam filters. As a user you have no real way to fix your mail server such that your emails get delivered into the inbox reliably.

  • You agree that tagging the username of a mod (wasn’t even one it was an admin) is doxxing? If so, you’re delusional.

    Mod names are visible by default on my instance so if taking a look there and then mentioning the username you see there is doxxing good luck with the rest of your life. You can’t have a system where everyone can easily find out who performed a mod action and then claim you were “doxxed”

  • Yeah no if I know there is an unsecured gun around that makes me feel anything except safe. There is only a very narrow set of circumstances in which having a gun around is non threatening and just walking around in public is not one of those.

    Let’s take an example scenario: there’s someone who cut in line in front of you at the supermarket, upon confronting them they turn aggressive.

    Scenario 1 (widespread gun ownership): you have to deescalate or risk potentially getting shot by a person that is very obviously not acting rational anymore. In turn this promotes less civil conduct as brashness is encouraged.

    Scenario 2 (limited gun ownership): you can reasonably argue with the person since the highest threat you are facing is a pocket knife, a risk that can be mitigated by simply keeping your distance or an obstacle in between.

    So yeah there is no reason to hand out guns like they are candy. They are a tool designed for war and violence and as such have no place just being carried around in public.