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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • orgrinrt@lemmy.worldtoFediverse@lemmy.worldBluesky continues to soar
    16 days ago

    I would assume that since this whole thing is more or less a result of left-ish policy, and the opponent in the scenario is the far-right platform formerly known as Twitter, lead by the aspiring far-right icon Musk, the right-wingers would more likely opt to complain, cry several rivers and eventually turn to alternatives catered specifically for them (not even sure which ones are still alive after former tweetyplace took the crown) instead.

    Haven’t done a vibe check on bluesky, but I assume it almost has to be more tolerant and potentially more progressive-ish than the old nazibirdhouse. If you lean towards the far right, why choose that, if alternatives exist?

  • If you fail to see the analogy then I don’t know what to tell you.

    If a murdering horde invades your home, your neighbors, and you face near impossible odds to survive, you can’t just give up. You reach for any opportunities to save your home and family.

    Invading a country in order to conquer and exploit it, is entirely different from “invading” a part of a country as a peace talks influence. They have stated zero intent in keeping the land, and even a troll like you must agree that there is a difference between burning your neighbors car for fun or to exploit the grounds, your land, under it, versus burning your neighbors car to make the neighbor stop burning everyone’s car, after you having to watch them burn several neighbors’ cars.

    And if you can not understand figure of speech, clear nigh 1:1 analogies, then maybe you should re-evaluate whether you are actually competent or developed enough to take part in actual conversations with words.

    Edit: Also, just for fun, what would you do if that rapist with a mental disorder refuses to admit to any raping, even while clearly doing it in front of you, and refuses any help on the grounds that they need none? They call it special penetration operation and keep going. You just let them, or do you forcibly detain them and throw into an appropriate facility to heal them and figure out what’s wrong with them being so delusional, aggressive and unhinged? Just a thought.

  • And, what? If there’s a house full of rapists nearby, and the rationale to just roll over and get raped is that if you do not, the rapist will just bring over more of his rapist friends, that’s a fucked up situation that I would assume everyone would agree has to be solved and ended.

    The very reason to fight against the rapist is to deter the entire house full of rapists to come over for easy prey. What are you talking about? Just let them do it is what you are suggesting? Even if you do see a car ripe for burning which could save you all from getting constantly raped? Of course you try the car. Doing nothing is just letting them do it and keep doing it, despite there being opportunities to, you know, end the entire rape? You’d want the rape to continue?

    I feel stupid having to explain this. You can not be serious, I refuse to accept that. Absurd.

  • Yeah I don’t think you can wrap your head around the idea of defending one’s home, family, friends and/or culture. You talk about hiding as if that’s the default if you can’t bribe someone…? To me that just sounds outlandish.

    Most want to do something to protect their sisters from rape and their homes from being pillaged to shit. Not run and hide like you seem to view this.

    Those who don’t want to fight always have the option to protest and serve an appropriate length of repercussions in prison. And that’s only if you can’t arrange your service to be something non-violent such as homefront logistics or information technology etc. Often you can. And this is if one has ideological or otherwise good reasons not to hold a gun. If one’s just scared, then unfortunately that is not enough of a reason. Everyone is scared when a murdering horde invades. It’s why you do all the things you never wanted to, even your worst enemy, to do. So that others, who can not, may once feel safe again.

    Those who run or hide are saying that there is nothing worth protecting and defending, which is fine. Not everyone views their country as a good place. Let the rats hide, I say. If it feels shameful, then maybe they ought to think why that is? At least show some backbone to stand your ground if you refuse to defend your neighbors. Go to the prison. Make a point. That’s honorful at least. Running or hiding? That’s just not humane. That’s leaving others to die.

    Anyway, there’s no dimension where wartime order retains the civility and comfortableness of peace time. If rapists and murderers come rampaging in your home, you either fight or you leave your family to their own devices, to be raped and murdered. Remaining peaceful will only result in you watching the horde rape your mother and sisters and children. You are helping them to, in fact.

    Once you fight them off, it takes time before all is rebuilt and safe, comfy again. And during that time, when the murderers break in to kill your siblings, mother, father and your children, you don’t get to choose doing nothing. You fight, or you help them by doing nothing. How many will let the rapists get to their business with their family? Not many. You fight. Because you can’t remain peaceful anymore. They already broke in and are rounding up your family, destroying your home. Conscription is just the organized, civil way of going through this process as a community, rather than everyone having to fight alone separately against the horde. It’s not nice, true, but what else is there to do?

  • orgrinrt@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlelon is a lame poser
    2 months ago

    Yup, that seam/twist there on the foreground is almost a definitive giveaway

    Edit: I mean I guess that especially a rich person could, for some reason, wear a weird ass scarf designed by someone who thinks in a very out-of-the-box way… but which is more likely?

  • Yours is a somewhat more cynical way of writing it down, but the underlying mindset is one I share.

    I prefer to see it as not expecting anything from anyone, rather than expecting them to disappoint you. It’s basically the same, but doesn’t feel as cynical.

    It truly changes your life though, no matter how you see it. I can’t remember myself having been, in real life, angry or disappointed in people in great many years. Life is just so much better without those feelings, which seems obvious, but you can’t really emphasis that enough still.

    It took me years of self-reflecting and “finding myself” in the process of overcoming a years-long bout of clinical depression. It’s not easy, but I do believe everyone can find that mindset, given enough effort and perseverance. Sisu.

  • In the very rural areas I would assume there to be ambulance/rescue helicopters, boats and snowmobiles etc that get dispatched. I was born and lived most of my life in a very rural area with the closest actual hospital with proper 24/7 er and more advanced surgery etc capabilities being some 160km away. Roads and road-bound vehicles just aren’t a thing you’d want to use or depend on in an emergency, if you live that rurally. So that’s really not a good argument to make, in my opinion, though maybe if you lived in the US, you wouldn’t have that and if you did, it’d bankrupt you if you made use of it, so you were going to be fucked either way. It’s dangerous to depend on rural roads if your only recourse is speeding. That’s just endangering everyone else too, be it only you as the driver the extra casualty. So the answer isn’t keeping the current dangerous system dangerous, rather maybe reconsider the way emergency response and general welfare and healthcare is organized and structured… if something like this would one day push you guys there, then I’d consider that only good. This is assuming you are from US of course. But I can’t really see any other country lacking basic services and needs like that, if internet and proficiency in English language as well as access to cars is taken as granted, which would mostly rule out third world countries since we are talking about rural areas.

  • Well, if they rise to power via legitimate democratic means, then by all means it is what we deserve, and I will either work against it, as an extremist, or move to a less hostile country towards people of my kind, be it political, racial or some other aspect. I’m not saying I’m better than whoever gets labeled an extremist. I am saying that whatever the current political or ideological or whatever climate is, if it is democratic, it is the environ in which I exist, and c’est la vie.

    I have a hard time believing a fascist or otherwise extremist powers would take hold of my country, but I’m not naive so as to think it impossible.

    I, same as anyone else, simply exist within a complex framework that isn’t under my control.

    That being said, I don’t think I hold any “right” or “correct” or necessarily “better” views or ideologies, it just so happens majority right now share that set of beliefs and I happen not to be an extremist in that sense.

    At any time I could become one, and I do not think it would be wrong. It would be exactly as “correct”, I would just happen to hold stances against that status quo. That doesn’t change my initial reasoning at all. I have to believe people are mostly rational, emphatic, sensible and good in general, which would translate to my stances having low chances of becoming deemed extremist. If that happens, I would just accept it as entirely understandable, from that point of view, if I was banned from places. And work either against it, or moving my life elsewhere, where there wouldn’t be extremist (from my point of view, not general) powers in rule. And if that was not possible, I’d be imprisoned or killed, which, if happens, was always out of my control, and such is life.

    Your argument would require anyone that subscribes to it to believe to be better and more right in the things one beliefs. I do not think so, so I can, with clear mind and consciousness, live with this stance.

    Edit: Note that I originally used the word democratic very consciously. Anything outside that bound, would be an entirely different ball game, and that is for wiser and more philosophically minded heads. I consider the realities I live in and which I know, because that is the bound of my experience and understanding. I’m a simple man. But I do hold beliefs, grounded in what I know, and those I like to share if prompted.

    Your concern is of course valid, too. Just not something that is necessarily against my stance here. It’s just a hypothetical, which I think I have considered enough to still stand this ground.

    Edit2: to answer your question, it would play by the same rule, if they banned me, and I would understand it for the same reasons I understand it now. I wouldn’t agree with it, is the difference, but that doesn’t change the logic of it.

    Of course they would ban me, if most of the people thought I was an extremist. I wouldn’t think it my privilege in that scenario to be able to share my extremist views. I would find other channels or fight against that system, or just move to a better suited environment. But I would not think it unfair from a general view, it’s exactly as understandable as the Bolsonaros or whoevers of the world now being banned.

  • Not really. All extremists should have severely limited platforms to spread their hate in, and who else would see to that, if not democratically elected officials? Even if not democratically elected, I would personally trust almost any even remotely democratic government’s official to enforce something like that than to trust in some edgelord billionaire twat like Musk to do anything other than go the other way and signal boost that extremism instead.

    And since I believe this, it would be hypocritical of me to criticize Brazil for this very thing, especially if a far-right populist like Bolsonaro (or anyone Musk likes for that matter) is involved.

    But you might hold different views. And fair enough. But I firmly believe we should not give platforms to extremists or traitorous assholes, period. And should work to actively limit that, instead.

    I.e I would not like to see, for example, ISIS leaders sharing their beheading videos on any social media platform. By that same logic, I would not like any other kind of extremism there either. I can’t just cherry-pick which kind of extremism I like to be limited and banned. If I believe that there exists entities or influences I would not like to spread, I should accept that those influences exist outside of my personally agreed views of what should be limited.

  • The tips you share towards the end are good, but I don’t think discipline is the guiding star there. Neither is it failing as a parent, if one’s child isn’t necessarily academically inclined, or otherwise has struggles with higher education.

    Discipline does not work as you describe, and it does not fall so neatly into one specific category of discipline. Same as intelligence, there are different types of discipline.

    And even then, there is no distinct “adult” burnout that is something one can not get in college. That just sounds diminishing and dismissive, and can cause a lot of dangerous and unhealthy coping mechanisms or habits to form for anyone battling with very real burnout, be it in college or in other kind of working environment.

    But since your points towards the end are actually helpful and something that is widely recommended for different kind of habit forming endeavors, I’m going to go ahead and assume that you are not intentionally malicious or dismissive with your opening remarks, rather just a product of your environment, which has taught you a very narrow view of a very common issue.

  • Just to note, my clinical depression manifests primarily as a very thorough and all-consuming emptiness. Meds help with that, and whenever I have an episode, it’s exactly the same. I go on similar thought patterns as OP, though my conclusion is often more drastic, as in, I am simply too tired and void of reasons to stay, I can not go on, why did I ever think I could?

    But then meds and time and therapy do their thing, and I’m very much different in regards to how I see these things. And I have a healthy episode. And the loop goes on.

    But my point is, emptiness isn’t necessarily exclusive or distinct from depression. It manifests in many ways, and all of them are valid reasons to seek help. Nobody has to go through it alone. Few even could. I know I couldn’t have.