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Joined 3 days ago
Cake day: January 21st, 2025

  • Fuck your car, the cops aren’t gonna find it. They’re there to write a police report so you can get an insurance claim.

    The only way they recover your stolen car is if the person who stole it joyrides it and abandons it. Your neighbors testimony isn’t helpful in this scenario

    If your car was desirable and actually stolen for parts or to be resold it’s long gone and the cops will do absolutely nothing

    Similarly if your home was burglarized. Look at the statistics of solve rates for these crimes in your city. If they’re anything like mine they are shockingly low and the only reason they aren’t 0 is because of literal happenstance like the above scenario and not actual “detective work”

    However, your neighbor opening their door for the cops does create a host of potential issues for your neighbor. Perhaps they have drug paraphernalia in plain sight in their living room? Now the cops have probable cause to search their home without a warrant because you think those noble officers are going to search high and low for your shitty car (they aren’t). Or they’re an illegal immigrant, the cops are racist, and see an in to send ins later that day. Or your neighbor is rude and standoffish, escalates things with the cop (who are known for their expert de escalation skills) and then ends up getting arrested for “obstruction”

  • Bad advice

    Don’t talk to cops unless you are legally obligated to do so. Depending on the state you may have to identify yourself, and in some locations and contexts provide identification. You should know your local laws. In my state it is not required even if detained although in practice refusal to identify just means you aren’t going home for a looooong time. You do have to give your license if you’re stopped while driving, of course, but you do not have to answer any other questions other than signing the citation. The aclu has a website clearly outlining what you are required to do in each state including wallet sized cards with the information

    Real police advice: if they’re giving you shit shut the fuck up. If they’re arresting you just go with it. You aren’t going to win. They’re going to call in 900 back up units and 2 helicopters with thermal imaging and a tank to track you because they’re basically an army now. The more you resist the more likely you die and become a sad headline that people post and forget about in 20 minutes. They aren’t trained to take you down safely. They aren’t trained to de escalate. They aren’t trained to control their anger. They will often get furious if you resist their authority and take out that aggression on you with extreme violence. They will slam you to the ground, choke you, punch you, beat you with their knock off tonfa, taze you repeatedly, and restrain you in ways that are dangerous and restrict your breathing. They will outright ignore you if you plead for help or become unresponsive. They will let you die, wait 5-10 minutes despite being on camera, then call for medical who will take another 10 minutes to respond to your long dead corpse that could’ve possibly been resuscitated 15 minutes ago if they hadn’t stood around doing nothing like ghouls. They have 0 serious repercussions for this behavior, at worst they’ll get shuffled around

    Let them arrest you, shut the fuck up, and fight it in court. Unfortunately you will need resources to do this and pretty substantial ones. I just hired a lawyer to process documents for a subpoena against a client in my healthcare practice. It was a fairly simple case of document review and it cost $2300. Probably took him 45 minutes of actual work, if that. The system is unfair and rigged against you.

    Real real police advice as a result: avoid them at all costs.

  • The new one has more game music than old ones did. But to get a lot of it you have to subscribe. Thankfully the subscription isn’t terribly expensive ($10/3mo) and it’s easy to get it in a way that doesn’t auto renew. Music licensing is stupid though so music games are dying and will probably forever be subscription services going forward. The days of buying a game like guitar hero are long gone.

    It has the classic ones like Mario medley, Zelda overworld, Kirby, persona 5, undertale, etc. but the game pass adds stuff like tekken, id@lmaster, ridge racer, tales of symphonia, ace combat, etc.

    it’s a weird mix that’s definitely missing a lot of iconic stuff though. The push is definitely more pop/vocaloid/anime music

    Alternatively you can get something like opentaiko or tjaplayer (closer to the real game) and use custom charts from a site like https://ese.tjadataba.se/ESE/ESE . You need a pc but it doesn’t require a particularly great pc and pretty much every drum controller, including the official console ones, work on pc.

    I definitely wish it was more popular in the west. Online play is an absolute ghost town unless you play during Japan time. Like if you play during peak us hours matchmaking will literally spend 20-30 minutes to find no one.