He’s nothing more than a performer now. Ask yourself every time: who is he performing for right now that he believes will increase his political power? I’m not sure why he wants power. He wouldn’t know what to do with it.
He’s nothing more than a performer now. Ask yourself every time: who is he performing for right now that he believes will increase his political power? I’m not sure why he wants power. He wouldn’t know what to do with it.
“The mice in fact are tyrannical oppressors for not opening the door to listen to what the fox has to say!” - JD Vance
Nope, mister G.O.Pudge, we do not have to include Nazis.
Canada is the number 9 economy in the world and Mexico is number 15. This would be a significant body. They could add in Cuba and REALLY piss off the US.
We will see what happens when Trump pulls US support out of Ukraine.
I sincerely hope you are right and Europe marshalls an effective defense. If you do, you’ll do so at great cost in blood and treasure. If you don’t you’ll watch Russia nibble away at Europe for the next several decades. Neither of those is anything to “lol” about.
Russia may want a pause of several years to allow Ukraine’s arms support relationships with the West to expire, whereupon it would attack again, this time informed by everything that went wrong in this recent war.
I dunno. Maybe? It’s just a thought.
Trump is all about shifting defense responsibility onto Europe but isn’t it the case that the US proactively claimed responsibility for defense of virtually every sphere where it has interests? We have the largest military in the world by FAR and bases everywhere, and have allowed others to spend less on defense because we want to be the ones with the big stick. It’s a little ironic for Trump to complain that everyone has allowed us to pursue this policy we have been driving for decades.
Whilst these incidents are rare, we have a zero-tolerance policy to bullying, harassment, or any form of abusive behaviour towards our cast, crew, or staff. Anyone engaging in such conduct will be removed from the venue immediately.
Uh, so why did the cast have to walk out and end the show? Drag the bigot out to the street: problem solved. The show must go on.
Stars represent a much much larger proportion of the matter in galaxies than planets. So the answer is that if you really want to capture the most energy from fusion, eventually you’d want to interact with stars or you’ll just not have much material to work with.
If you think that food and transportation are items of convenience, you must live a privileged life indeed.
Except many of us who actually care about the cause say this because traffic delays and vandalizing paintings irritate the fuck out of people and set them against the cause of the protest. You can spew more profanity against for being like that if you wish, but it doesn’t change facts.
It’s like finding a way to stage a protest that just makes eggs more expensive. Yay protest! But don’t expect any good to come of it.
Yeah man vegetarianism is dangerous!
It’s also very clear that you’ve let half a dozen upvotes go to your head and are now just flinging insults at anyone who engages your dull views. If you had any point to make you’ve done nothing but undermine it.
When I went to China someone told me that masters degrees are almost mandatory now because there are so few jobs for so many people. This leads a lot of them to get masters degrees because they have nothing else to do and hope it will give them a competitive edge. Enough people are doing this now that basically anyone who wants a job has to.
Oh you say the thirty three thousand kilometer per hour winds are impactful on the weather patterns, eh? Gosh I would never have guessed!
Yep, agree. What makes this more complex is that movie culture has relentlessly programmed all of us to think this way for decades. I don’t think it’s just a case of genetic predisposition toward solipsism, though that is surely in there as well.
Virtually all blockbuster movies and many smaller ones are about some kind of chosen hero who shatters a corrupt system, often with a single act of redemptive violence (killing the bad guy, destroying the evil machine, etc).
From Star Wars: A New Hope to The Matrix to The Hunger Games this formula has been virtually the same. It’s so relentless and consistent, and people grow up on it from an early age. Is it any surprise, with this kind of programming, that people grow up lacking the will to dedicate themselves to making a small contribution toward incremental change? No. They need shattering upheaval that saves the world, and everything less is complicity in the evil of the system.
As Zizek said: you never get to see what the hero does the day after shattering the machine. How do they rebuild a better society? Okay, redemptive violence, then what? Popular culture has no answer to this. In real life it’s about compromise, hard work, incremental improvement. But we have generations of people who’ve been fed compelling narratives about everything but that.
Yes and there is one other aspect. When they get into this conspiracy shit, there is a whole community of people ready to welcome them. They are congratulated for seeing the light and joining the movement. This fulfills a social need for a lot of these people, who are lonely or in some cases estranged from family.
This process of feeling like you’ve drawn back the curtain on life, and, in the same stroke found “your people” is incredibly exhilarating to them. It’s like a whole new day in their lives. And THAT’S why they’ll defend their crap beliefs to the death. Because giving them up means going back to the humdrum world where they are just a nobody again.
Occupancy is hard to monitor and easy to fake though. Purchases are impossible to miss and are a single point of enforcement as opposed to an ongoing burden like you’re suggesting. Though I do appreciate the spirit of your plan.
These people are addicted to this feeling that they have discovered some secret that destroys conventional wisdom and sheds a whole new light on everything. They are addicted to this feeling that they’ve found a big lie everyone’s swallowed and they’re going to spit it out.
Every part of their worldview has to have that quality or they can’t hold onto it with their brains. There’s a great deal of straightforward, plain-as-day information that’s totally missing from their worldview because it doesn’t contain the drug their brain is addicted to.
It sounds like (at best) some of Gaiman’s victims consented to some form of foreplay or sex and then rapidly found themselves on the receiving end of some brutal BDSM without consenting to it. If I were a woman reading this I would find it hard to ever trust any man, going into sex, even if I wanted to have sex with him. When the world’s most harmless-seeming man can suddenly become a punishing torturer in the sack, how can you ever know that a guy is safe until after the fact? Jesus.
Dear Goober-Veep,
The threat from within is the Nazis, not the people who refuse to listen to the Nazis. They’ve been handling Nazis longer than you’ve been alive. Shut your fucking pizza pie hole.