• 17 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • The researchers think a deep understanding of a given theory is vital to tackling errant beliefs. “Canned” debunking attempts, they argue, are too broad to address “the specific evidence accepted by the believer,” which means they often fail. Because large language models like GPT-4 Turbo can quickly reference web-based material related to a particular belief or piece of “evidence,” they mimic an expert in that specific belief; in short, they become a more effective conversation partner and debunker than can be found at your Thanksgiving dinner table or heated Discord chat with friends.

    This is great news. The emotional labor needed to talk these people down is emotionally and mentally damaging. Offloading it to software is a great use of the technology that has real value.

  • And have multiple copies in at least two locations of anything truly important to guard against disaster (such as a fire or regionally appropriate natural disaster). I got a spare drive to copy all the music that I’ve made and sent it to my father in a different part of the country. I could lose everything and be pretty bummed, but not that (without severe depression). I also endorse use of a safe deposit box at a bank if you don’t have someone who can hold data in a different city.

  • A security guard where I work asked me about it. I told him it’s a software project and he told me it’s a poem format. I told him I was aware of the original meaning.

    A friend liked the design and asked about it. Two questions after only wearing it three times is a pretty good return for a new shirt. I buy a lot of shirts with neat designs and only a handful garner comments or questions.