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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • By “BOFH that happens to run the server” you mean “the volunteer whose money, time, and effort are being expended on your behalf”, right?

    This is the single most entitled opinion I’ve ever heard in this. “I, the person who bears none of the pecuniary, temporal, or psychological costs of running the server insist that ‘the free software ethos’ means I get what I want on someone else’s computer.”

    Fuck that noise.

    If you want a server run your way that federates with the people you want to federate with, put your own skin in the game. Run your own server with your own rules. THAT is the actual free software ethos: DIY if you don’t like the way someone else does it.

    The free software ethos is the punk ethos, not the hippy dippy shits ethos.

  • I’m not saying that “you can’t make this complaint because you made an account here”. I’m saying “only an idiot can make this complaint because this is how all distributed systems work without exception”. There isn’t a single system out there that is connected to anything outside of itself that isn’t susceptible at some level or another to exactly what the OP is complaining about.

    This includes the router you have between you and the Internet at large.

    EVERY distributed system retains copies somewhere for some duration. And ANY of them can be (pretty trivially) modified to just retain everything for as long as there is storage to hold it. If you want privacy you’re going to need end-to-end cryptography, but that means no discussion sites like this.

    So my objection to the OP’s complaint is that it’s just stupid. Because it applies to literally every piece of technology they likely use to post the complaint, but for some reason it’s Lemmy that’s being singled out.