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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 21st, 2024

  • “you’re just not paying attention because you’re not a trans ally”

    yeah so basically anyone paying attention to trans issues knows about JKR. I don’t think I said all harry potter fans are transphobic, so that was a fun little thing for you to make up I guess, but I would say that fans of Harry Potter who don’t know the controversy are not trans allies. She is the anti-trans celebrity. Her letter was huge news.

    Harry Potter fans have likely at least seen one or two hate comments about the video game or something. Stop bring so disingenuous… most people are online regularly … particularly the generation of Harry Potter fans. You don’t need to be terminally online to have heard about the wealthiest author in the world turning into the most prominent anti-trans advocate.

  • I feel the same way. I put off purchases for a looong time. My biggest example is using my bed, household furniture in gerry-rigged ways instead of buying a weight bench for $200 for a couple of years. I don’t like accumulating too many things, and it is often true that you can do without buying a specialized item.

    I think I am moving through this mentality a bit though, if there is a tool that will fundamentally improve my life in tangible ways, I try not to hesitate to buy it, because these kinds of things can make me more willing to actually do stuff. Most recent example for me is buying a thick kitchen apron, so my clothes don’t get wet when I’m washing dishes. Hate the feeling, but it inevitably happens, so then I would end up avoiding dishes.

    Other things though, I have pretty cheap guitars and it’s fine because I’m not very good at guitar anyway. I don’t feel a need to buy lots of gear, but bought things for specific tasks like “I want to play standing up” so I got a mic stand.

    I think you can have this utilitarian approach to purchases simultaneously with an anti consumption mindset.

  • When are you going to implement accountability for mods? I have reached out to mods/admins in the past to talk about issues w another mod. (mod FlyingSquid has said he would use his mod powers in a retaliatory manner due to disagreements, and I have seen many other people complain about them). Some mods/admins listened, another said basically to fuck off and they’d block me just for reaching out, considering me reaching out to be harassment. There is no accountability.

  • I mean, yes this is cool … but they need to be getting at the root causes.

    “Environmentalism without class struggle is just gardening.” —Chico Mendes.

    Idk much about the specific situation other than quick wiki read, but sounds like poaching and deforestation are the main culprits. Yes this is an important step, but conservation needs to include protection of their habitat if this is going to be sustainable and not just a project to keep pandolins in zoos. Fuck the charismatic megafauna approach… stop destroying the habitats. Relieve economic pressure on citizens to help prevent poaching, and invest in strong systems of accountability and prevention.

  • Maybe don’t speak so confidently on trans issues when you aren’t trans! Esp considering the transmed vibe you have given off, inadvertantly or no. Just stop speaking for other people.

    And I rewrote the comment in caps not out of anger towards you, but out of a desire for clarity for anyone who reads it. Don’t take everything so personally. If you use transmed talking points, even inadvertantly, expect to be called an asshole. Same thing goes if you were to spout any bigoted talking points you didn’t understand.

  • She is a monster, just like Anita Bryant. The result of her activism is trans kids commiting suicide after being on YEARS long wait lists. Maybe if people you cared about were being denied healthcare for years, you would call the person advocating for that denial a monster too

    Anyway, I don’t care about people like you who only care about semantics so uh yeah 🖕🏻If me calling people a monster and being angry is going to dissuade people from supporting trans rights, let’s be real they were not supporters to begin with and are looking for the flimsiest excuse.

    Monster is an adult criticism because she’s a fucking monster.