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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023


  • Obviously, the EU hasn’t the spine to eject Hungary, so Putin’s Ally/Representative in the EU will remain disabling the EU’s strategy, in all ways possible…

    I wonder how many extra thousands of EU troops will die in the escalations of Russia’s aggression, through the next decade(s), as a result of their current-spinelessness?

    ( remember the English appeasers of Hitler helped the Nazis, & remember that Stalin was providing supplies to the Nazis right up until the day they invaded Russia. Having spine enough to do what is correct/proper isn’t common-enough )

    _ /\ _

  • This may all SEEM fine & dandy, but…

    The such ocean gyres, if I’m remembering what they’re called correctly, had a normal, established-for-millions-of-years kind-of-ecology in them…

    NOW, however, we’re forcing that this fungus become a dominant-player in them…


    ( people may remember some years ago when the Purple Loostrife we imported was killing all our North American marshes, turning them into thickets of woody stems/runners/etc, & each individual plant could put out 50,000 seeds per year…

    So, the Canadian Gov’t did test after test after test, & finally resolved that a … Chinese, iirc, ladybird bug ate the stuff, but didn’t eat any other plants…

    so, they imported them & let them loose…

    You know those new orange ladybird bugs?

    the ones that bite animals?

    Those are the ones, ttbomk.

    They don’t eat any other plants, other than purple loostrife, but their habit of biting us means that carnivorism is normal in them, and … how does that affect the ecology??

    You can’t just arbitrarily alter ecologies & responsibly expect them to remain functionally-balanced, & in-harmony: consequences tend to multiply each-other, & tipping-points do get crossed. )

    _ /\ _

  • SanDisk usb-keys work.

    You really want to use the thing for read-only, though, if you can:

    the writes it takes to kill some portion of a filesystem, vs the writes you get before corrupting things, on a USB driver, don’t line-up.

    Use NVMe as your 1st-choice for storage ( future purchases, obviously ), the fastest you can get, and be stunned by how much faster the same motherboard is, with superfast OS storage…

    I’d stick /home, not /usr, on the USB.

  • IF JBOD, && Linux, THEN yes you can know, through SMARTTOOLS, or something like that…

    However, I can’t imagine how you’d get 2 separate PCIe

    ( presuming NVMe devices …

    … no, this thing must be presuming SATA, NOT NVMe …

    even in SATA, there’s no bifurcator for SATA, I don’t think:

    SAS has expanders, which can take a single SAS channel & attach something like 128 SAS devices onto it,

    PCIe has some kind of equivalent, and there is a PCIe card which crams loads of NVMe’s into it, out in the last year, but SATA??

    Hmm… )


  • There was a youtube vid, testing multimeters, & there was a specific condition that produced wrong results in all the meters except Fluke, who had engineered to prevent that wrongness.

    That was what decided me on trusting Fluke, in the future.

    been years, no idea what channel it was on, sorry, but it should be findable for someone with patience, knowing that only the Fluke got it right, of the ones tested.

    Do pay attention to the calibration-certificates, though:

    Anybody paying for Fluke who ignores that their handhelds have no more than 2.5-digits of actual-accuracy, is foolish/incompetent.

    ( the cheap ones are sooo much worse… )

  • I am trying to lear basic HTML/CSS/JavaScript ( again, last learned HTML back in the 1990’s, am using “JavaScript: The Good Parts” & other books ),

    & have discovered that you can have, on the same phone/tablet, Termux/Nginx running,

    you have to feed /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/nginx/nginx.conf the root-dir you want it to use

    ( which is actually in a proot-distro install, down below

    /data/data/llcom.termux/files/usr/var/lib/proot-distro/installed-rootfs/ … )

    … and then you can have your browser hit


    and it’ll grab index.html.

    Notice that that is http, NOT httpS.

    None of the browsers I’ve tried can get the default connection to localhost, because they all default to https, & nginx isn’t serving https.

    That wasted an entire fscking day, to discover.

    Now learning can begin!

  • It isn’t intended to stop at smashing Taiwan.

    All of Asia’s the target.

    Global-domination’s the goal.

    “the destruction of the West is the midwife of Chinese dominion” or something like that, from a few decades ago, a general’s words.

    I don’t know of ANY government on this planet that is stratically-altruistic, and most are openly machiavellian/sociopathic-psychopathic/nihilist(globally, re ClimatePunctuation).

    The more people are investing-in dealing-with making-believing, because that’s more comforting than actuality,

    the LESS actuality evolves to match the making-believing, because of useless wasting-of-opportunity.

    Objectivity’s the most-effective traction humankind’s got, and making-believing just throws opportunity down the sewer.

    Short-term-ism’s going to butcher nearly-all lives on this planet, this century.

    It’s setting-up “nicely”, what with

    • the ClimatePunctuation still accelerating,
    • the food-chains ( both terrestrial & marine ) being butchered as quickly/efficiently as possible, by money’s lack of care,
    • the political-tantrum/pogrom,
    • the religious-tantrum/pogrom,
    • the aggressive sabotage-of-governing of both left & right’s Leninism/Murdochism, with their “proletariat dictatorship”/“populist dictatorship” rule
    • the nationalism-religions providing identity-“security”, by displacing reason’s anxiety…

    It really is too bad that only “journalism”, … which treats gaslighting as equally-valid to fact, … remains, in the for-profit-“journalism” world…

    Actual journalism, which stuck to objectivity, called gaslighters gaslighters ( locally & other governments, both ), etc, wasn’t allowed to live, by money, so it’s gone.

    And, when actual-journalism’s gone, then you’re “driving the runaway bus while hallucinating/on-drugs”, and the disconnect keeps getting more & more profound/complete…

    “business is booming!” while underemployment & homelessness skyrocket, & businesses keep going bankrupt, because the supply-chain’s disintegrating…

    I remember that screencap someone did, early-Covid, which showed 2 headlines in the same image:

    • 1 was in the “stock markets climb drastically” vein,

    • the other was in the “unemployment & homelessness reach new heights” vein,

    & they were both run by the same company as headlines??

    Gaslighting’s the only industry dominant in our world, now, it looks like…

    Russian dictatorship intends to butcher all of Eastern Europe that it can, because possession is the ONLY part of the law that it feels valid.

    China’s committed to doing something similar through all of Asia, & Modi’s Hindutva India’s in China’s sights, just as Tibet was, just as Nepal, Bangladesh, South Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia, ALL of them are.

    Give it another decade, & see what’s left, outside of the 3-ish major empires that will be butchering-all-who-are-in-their-way.

    Our nature hasn’t changed in the last 12 millenia, so why would our actual-behavior?

    Our unconscious-toddler’s committed to enforcing its “greatness”, and some politicians embody that current, & win on that embodying-our-unconscious-toddler, because much of humankind would rather be identifying-with the ruling-toddler than tolerate others to live, so it’s an identity thing, not rational.

    Also, ask yourself this:

    IF China can’t possess all of Asia, does it make sense to permit the West to make any use of the un-possessed portions of Asia?

    XOR does it make more Chinese Dominion sense to smash/butcher them all, who won’t be the possessed-property of CCP?

    Which would gut the West’s dominion more?

    When you understand the answer to that question, then you begin understanding what the world’s going to be looking-like, 1 decade+ on…

    Welcome to The Great Filter.

    _ /\ _

  • Paragone@lemmy.worldtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldSelf hosted LLM
    7 months ago

    Thanks to this post, and the other comments in here, I’ve discovered that the ultimate ui for ai-models may well be


    and on HuggingFace ( that name is aweful: to me it is the creepy-horrible FaceHugger, from the movie Alien, that I saw so many decades ago ) TheBloke has some models which are smaller


    so you can choose a model that will actually-work on your hardware.

    I think Llama-2 for brainstorming & CodeLlama-instruct for learning programming examples seems to be the cleanest pair, from what I’ve read, and he’s got GGUF versions with different quantizations, so you can choose what will actually-fit on your hardware.

    There are other models on huggingface which seem very useful, like

    • whisper-large-v3 for speech-to-text,
    • whisperspeech for text-to-speech,
    • sdxl-turbo for image-making ( for some copyright-free subjects to practice drawing with ), and so-on…

    Some models require GPU, not all.

    Damn things moved fast!

  • Read Daniel Kahneman’s “Thinking Fast & Slow”, & understand that there are 2 different “thinking” systems, one limbic, the imprint->reaction system, Kahneman System-1, … and the other is the human considered-reason system.

    Ideology/prejudice ( they are 2 sides of the same “coin” ) is Kahneman System-1, not considered-reasoning: they are separate brain/mind systems.

    Leninism’s “‘educating’-the-masses into proletariat-dictatorship” and Murdoch’s “TV-ing-the-masses into populist-dictatorship” are 2 variants of the same thing, … and their identical goal is to render globally-irrelevant any considered-reasoning system of humankind.

    All the different political-factions that are pushing to displace considered-reasoning with automatic-ideology, all the different religious-factions that are pushing to displace considered-reasoning with automatic-ideology, its the same thing with different “makeup” on it.

    Humankind is, fundamentally, fighting to reject moral-anxiety, through rejecting considered-reasoning, and displacing it, globally, with imprinted-reaction of ideology/prejudice, whichever ideology/prejudice that particular faction is identifying-with.

    The eradication of quality education by communists & republicans, the systematic-sabotage of entire-population’s ability to parent their children properly by moneyarchy’s sadistic obstruction of living-wage law … the over-600 mass-shootings last-year in the US is a symptom of the shredding-of-the-world-for-ideology’s-mechanism, the cause of last-year’s effects … was attachment-disorder manufactured decades ago.

    Some still have potential considered-reasoning in them, but many no-longer do, due to having been brought-up in ideology/prejudice’s automatic-reaction, until considered-reasoning is only vestigal-potential, in their life.

    Ignoring/denying the actual-condition of humankind will only cost much more lives, for comforting-belief’s sake.

    I don’t expect more than 1.5% of humankind to survive this century ( from a peak of about 9B people, within 1 decade ), if any do.

    Appeasing rabies is a corpse’s game: rabies doesn’t appease: the appease-mechanism can’t work on it, as it is a social-manipulation-technique which presumes that the “other” is sufficiently-identical-to-one’s-own-mind, and that is baseless/false presumption ( can be baseless due to cultural-differences, can also be baseless due to System-1 vs System-2 balance difference being too huge, can also be baseless due to sociopathy or psychopathy or cPTSD or other fundamental mind-differences ).

    White-supremacism “christianity” is as committed to genociding as Russia & Israel are, and “reasoning” just accommodates more butchery-escalation.

    Either appease/accommodate & sacrifice population’s lives for it … or draw the line & back it up with absolute-force, but … within our country, that isn’t permitted, is it?

    Only appeasing/accommodating is permitted … so, therefore, the progression continues tilting until the totalitarian-butchery wins…

    Same as in Nazi Europe in WW2.

    No point in pretending otherwise.

    I expect at least 200,000,000 to die in North America in the next decade, due to US Civil War Part2, as it shreds everything, including proactively-managing-natural-disasters ( imagine hurricane Katrina if NO warning or help had happened, & multiply that by however-many hurricanes do that to the US while it’s having its Civil War Part2, and then consider how much nihilist-anarchism that’ll produce, multiplying-again the violent-nihilism in the system… it’s a spiraling positive-feedback-loop, see? ).

    The gutting of NATO, & active backing of Russia that Trump’s going to do, once crowned GEOTUS, … obviously the Russia/China/Saudi alliance is going to take advantage of the dictator’s gift to their global-supremacism…

    Exactly as that paper on behavioral-risk with climate change pointed-out:

    • humanity only reacts to already completely-manifest problems, & never acts proactively, &
    • humanity fights-against accepting the facts as long as possible, until it’s too-late

    That has consequences.

    Sometimes you need to use violent-force to break a drunk-driver from driving & smashing others’-lives.

    Refusal to do-so may make one more “acceptable” among the left’s coddling-belonging-culture, but it does produce more butchery-of-lives.

    Consequences are real.

    Nobody’s allowed to break corruption from authority: convention prohibits that.

    All this is simply setting-up our own species getting a Darwin Award.

    Stupidity at the galactic-epitaph scale.

    BREAK drunk-driving, the instant you encounter it, instead of leftist-style hoping it’ll go away, so I don’t have to intervene, individually … XOR … allow the consequences of non-intervening to be written-into-Eternity with one’s own blood’s-inaction adding to it.

    I’m saying that as a guy whose cowardice contributed to the continued-career of a serial-murderer.

    My cowardice prevented me from doing more than calling 911, whereas if I had violently intervened … then it is entirely possible that 20+ women wouldn’t have been snuffed by him, in the years since.

    I heard him murdering, & was quaking-with-fear, when I should have been butchering him while his hands were still on her neck.

    Her corpse was found in the parking-lot the next morning ( I hadn’t known precisely where this was, only the general-direction, due to my hesitation ).

    Then, later, I found-out he murdered a woman every year.

    And I didn’t stop him, when I could have.

    Their murders are partly my responsibility, through my inaction.

    Objectivity breaks “rose glasses”.

    I was there-enough to hear, I could have got-closer & struck.

    And ended his serial-murdering, even by wounding him distinctively, so that his sudden-marking made identifying him easier, for the police.

    All those women murdered since then, were murdered partly by my cowardice.

    Humankind’s doing exactly the same thing, now, with its own viability.

    Except that it is going to be oceans-of-lives lost in the consequences.