• Globeparasite@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Those are mostly Christian pilgrims. Second war still doesn’t allow you to target civilians.

    “French safe travel list”

    The french Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not work with a safe travel list but with a safety scale. It has been around the middle or even lower middle of that scale for the past two decades and was never green. You don’t know what you are talking about.

    “That is not casus belli but way to warhawk”

    Except France didn’t went two war, so your argument is fucking dumb. Lastly if someone steal your bike and you decide to break into the robber’s house with a gun to gat it back and the robber hurt you this still count as self defense even if the robber is an asshole ^^. According to you France should let that slide but Palestine should not let similar things slide ? Why.

    “Gaza had not received aid in over 48 hours”

    False. The border with Egypt was closed. But the EU airlift wasn’t. And a shitton of aid had managed to pass right before Israel forbid the entrance of aid inside Gaza (problem is that we had report of HAMAS stealing aid which didn’t help)

    “it isn’t… Safe”

    And ? All cities have “unsafe area” where a lot of crimes happen does that justify the rape happen there ? Is your excuse for thirty murders with acts of torture and barabarism that “they just do that in Palestine” ? If that is, I think Palestinian find it very cool you like them but clearly the best thing you can do for them is to stop saying stuff.


    France has been involved a lot in Palestinian history. By sending so much aid to Palestinian it becames one of the main sources of PA budget to the spearheading of an EU condemnation of Israeli colonization. And most importantly it is thanks to the French Army and Navy that Palestine even exist. Oh yes, the Palestinian State was proclaimed by Yasser Arafat in 1988. In 1982 as the IDF was closing in on Beirut it was the French Army who interposed itself between the advancing IDF and the survivors of PLO command. And it was the Marine Nationale and the U.S Navy who escorted them to safety. Without this intervention 1982 would have been the end of Palestinian Resistance as an organised political movement. So that is how, you a Palestine “supporter” talk about one of the few countries that actually stepped in for Palestine.

    P.S : “offensives in occupied territory” that… is by definition not possible an offensive is a military action conceived to conquer a previously unoccupied territory

    TL;DR : Why are you trying to convince everyone Palestine only behave medievally everytime there’s an armed conflict and murder everyone they see be it allies or enemies ?

    • Madison420@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      Who gives a shit why they’re there. And I have specifically and repeatedly condemned civilian deaths and Israels ethnic cleansing.

      Remind me again, is France part of the eu? Yeah? Ok because the eu removed Israel and the US in 2021 because of both crime and the pandemic those things being not totally separable. You don’t know what you’re talking about.

      That’s my point, they didn’t go to war because they couldn’t, france has to let it slide, civilian deaths in Israel are on Israel not a terrorist organization that has not held elections in the lifespan of over half it’s population.

      Multiple outlets report no aid for 48 hours, argue with them homie.

      It clearly isn’t safe given the deaths, right? It’s not at all “they just do that” you fucking bigot, how you even got that is beyond me, like legit are you high?

      Sure, they’ve sent aid historically, that doesn’t actually change anything. I’m aware of the history, hitting up wiki isn’t going to make your argument less dumb. I’m not a “Palestinian supporter”, if you think saying Israel is going to goddamn far after killing ten times as many most of which are civilians then you’re a goddamn moron.



      an attacking military campaign.

      Just stop, you’re getting both tedious and idiotic.

      Literally no one said that, but why are you trying to convince everyone “Palestine only behave medievally everytime there’s an armed conflict and murder everyone they see be it allies or enemies ?”

      Similarly the war isn’t against Palestine it’s against hamas but nuance clearly escapes you.