This doesn’t mean anything. Every school kid knows to triple space, size 20 font, single sided.
Nah man, most times there are restrictions on font size. That’s why you Find All and Replace all the periods with periods of a font size 1 higher. Hard to notice but increases page count.
just increase kerning and line spacing by a small amount
Half that script is just civilian screams.
I know that the driving physics in 4 weren’t generally well received, but I actually loved them. Overall, I felt like the controls in 4 felt better than in any other GTA.
GTA 4 had the best driving physics of all GTA games. And GTA 5 is pretty much on par with GTA 2. Just because children too young to play the game complained en masse about driving being “too difficult” in GTA 4. God dammit it’s a skill part of the game, you have to drive to get better at it. And when you do it’s super rewarding with all the different car physics, a reward that is nowhere to be found in GTA 5. Sadly I’m not expecting GTA 6 to be any better.
I will never be happy until a GTA game gets Halo 2 Warthog physics.
Not playing GTA, did the extra work pay off?
GTA 3 has a silent protagonist and most of the dialogue takes place in mission cutscenes. It’s a very simplistic game in comparison to GTA 4.
If you’re after a grounded experience with characters that feel real, then yes it paid off.
There were also two full GTA games between GTA III and IV. Vice City and San Andreas both built on the successes of the previous games and built out the universe of characters and locations. I’d be curious to see the script lengths for those, too, but the differences might not be that dramatic.