An Israeli news report claims that the Netanyahu government has offered a raft of proposals to entice Egypt to open its doors to two million displaced Palestinians, despite Cairo’s rejection

    11 months ago

    If this is is your pearl-clutching response to the genocide of Gaza and the West bank, you have lost all sense of morality. The rape, slaughter, and total cleansing of the region in response to the people of Palestine fighting back against 75 years of colonization and Jewish extremism will never be forgotten, but your vain attempt to paint Israel as the MODERATE side in this will be forgotten along with the rest of the fascist filth that inherit this site.

    My, what a balanced and nuanced opinion of the conflict that takes into account both perspectives and the history that led it to here. Anything short of picking up a pitchfork and joining the angry online mob is being, “fascist filth,” now?